Thursday, May 27, 2010

Briefly Lost in Wisconsin

Briefly Lost in Wisconsin

Debbie, Marcia 1 and I made plans to head up to Door County to Debbie’s condo to do a little plein air painting. We have all been brushing up our plein air skills in anticipation of the Wauwatosa Plein Air Affair.

We left on a Thursday evening and both Marcia 1 and I took Friday off of work. Marcia 1 drove Debbie’s 4 runner, and we were pretty packed in with all of our easels, overnight bags, and other art accoutrements. We stopped at an Arby’s for a quick dinner and proceeded on our way. There was such a beautiful sunset that evening, that we almost couldn’t believe our eyes while heading up towards Green Bay….until we passed a turn-off for Marinette. Marcia 1 thought we should have taken the turn-off, so we turned around and headed that way. Debbie’s mapquest directions said to take exit 285, so we did, but everything looked so unfamiliar, that we stopped at a gas station. When I asked the girl behind the counter how to get to Hwy 57 to Sturgeon Bay, she looked at me incredulously and said “You have to turn around and go back to Green Bay, go over the bridge, and take the second exit on your right”, which, I might add, is also exit 285. So Marcia1, Debbie and I headed to the ladies room for a pitstop and as soon as we got in there, all burst into laughter. All I could think of was “geez, what a group of distractable ditzes”!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The Estrogen Palace

The Estrogen Palace

When I left work yesterday afternoon, I was dead dog tired, and was re-thinking the decision to head over to the studio, however since I was a proponent of the decision to paint en plein air on Tuesdays, or if the weather bites, to at least head to the studio to paint a still life with Debbie and Marcia1, it was better to “bite the bullet” and drive over there. As usual, it wasn’t long after I arrived, that I felt much more energized (the cup of delicious black coffee helped).

As we talked and painted, the subject came up of how much we enjoyed being there, all together. And we were explaining to Cali who had come over to join us, that there were no rules regarding verbage—we could swear and use whatever profanity we deemed appropriate or inappropriate, because this is our “Girl Cave”. Debbie then stated “It’s our Estrogen Palace”. So now instead of being tired and going to the studio, which implies working, I’ll be happily driving to the Estrogen Palace!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

The Grandkids--amazing characters

Last night I was babysitting the grandkids while Sandi went to teach her Zumba class. We were cleaning up the dishes after dinner, and Ahnna decided she wanted to help scrub the frying pan. Then Julian wanted to help her, so the 2 of them are standing on a chair in front of the sink, sponges and bottle brushes in hand, scrubbing away at the frying pan among other things. Their brother, Everett pulls over a chair and joins them in the task. I’m sweeping the floor in the eating area, adjacent to the kitchen, when, all of a sudden, Ahnna breaks into song, “It’s a hard knock life, for us, it’s a hard knock life”. It was one of those “oh my goodness, this is too cute for words” moments.

Of course, by the time they were finished, poor Julian was soap suds from head to toe, but mostly head and face….and eyes, but was having soooo much fun in the water, it didn’t matter. Everett was very helpful, and wiped up the kitchen floor with a dishtowel afterward, while Julian took over the broom, and Ahnna sat down to put on her lip gloss.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Martini Girls, Matisse, and Inglorious Bastards, etc.

Picked up my 4 paintings from St. Mark’s on Saturday and had a wonderful breakfast afterward at the Original Pancake House on Downer Avenue with Debbie, Marcia, Donna, Chuck and Debra. Then headed over to the Martini Girl’s gallery and finished the pastel of the Ballet Folklorico dancer. Would like to have the painting express more movement, so I still have to experiment with it—if it turns out, I will enter it into the Richeson 75 Portrait and Figure competition.

When I got home, Chuck and I finished cleaning up the back garden (thank goodness), but still haven’t planted the “Mops” golden cypress. Maybe next weekend.

Sunday Chuck and I had coffee with our neighbor, Rob on his patio. The weather was beautiful for awhile, then turned a little cold and it looked like it was going to rain, so we went inside and I spent some time on the computer, uploading images from my camera. Later on in the afternoon I made some chicken vegetable soup, then Kevin came over and brought “Inglorious Bastards” for us to watch. Good movie!
Monday, Chuck, Fred, Debbie, and I took the train down to the Art Institute in Chicago to see the Matisse exhibit. We walked from Union Station to the Art Institute (about 10 easy blocks), and stopped in a café/bakery on the way and had some delicious coffee and a snack, then headed to our destination. While viewing the Matisse exhibit there, I got some good ideas about experimenting with acrylics—in particular, using some of the interference colors.  We had lunch on the patio at their very nice restaurant, but next time we’ll head downstairs to the cafeteria.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Recent Paintings and stuff.

These are a few of the acrylic still life paintings I've completed recently.  This was pretty fun to do, had to edit and add elements,  and always trying to paint in a looser style.  I just love this terra cotta fish with his open mouth...looks great in the summer with the plants all spilling out, like he's regurgitating.