Sunday, May 26, 2024

"Hungry Fish" by Marcia Hero


"Hungry Fish" by Marcia Hero


As an avid gardener, not only do I love to take photos of successful plantings, but of some unusual planters also. I puchased this fish shaped planter years ago, and even though it shows signs of wear and tear now, I like to drag it out of the basement every year, and plant something in it. This oil painting has been one of my favorites; it hangs in my home studio, and even though my daughter calls it the puking fish, I  prefer to think of it as the hungry one. This year it will hold Profusion Zinnias with some alyssum, and most likely will have a prominent place on the front steps of my house. 

Every year, I plant the old wheelbarrow next to my patio with Wax Begonias. They tolerate shade and a little dryness well, they bloom all summer long, and grow into a gorgeous colorful mound of eye candy.  For some reason, I haven't taken a photo, or painted the blooming feature yet, but that will follow when I blog again. ~ Marcia Hero 05/26/2024